In this page, you will find all the accessories and objects necessary to manufacture or repair, for example, a belt, a chainmail, a squamata and others. You can buy too, objets of the life of everyday such as combs, dice, needles, table cutlery, ...
SET OF THREE WROUGHT IRON CUTLERY - MOD 1Product no.: MEACR03Set of three iron cutlery including a spoon, a fork, and a knife, the three with twisted handles.
Delivery weight: 400 g
SET OF THREE WROUGHT IRON CUTLERY MOD 2Product no.: MEACR02Set of three iron cutlery including one spoon, one fork and one knife. Can also be used for the medieval period.
Delivery weight: 400 g
SMALL DRINKING HORNProduct no.: CORBO01Drinking horn in different colors ( pearly, beige, black, grey), with an average size of 20-22cm. Appropriate and treated to contain liquid. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 250 g
MEDIUM DRINKING HORNProduct no.: CORBO02Drinking horn in different colors ( pearly, beige, black, grey), with an average size of 23-26cm. Appropriate and treated to contain liquid. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 350 g
BIG DRINKING HORNProduct no.: CORBO03Drinking horn in different colors ( pearly, beige, black, grey), with an average size of 74-76 cm. Appropriate and treated to contain liquid. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
WOODEN TABLE STAND FOR DRINKING HORNProduct no.: BOCORB01Wooden drinking horn, an essential accessory for displaying horns on a table. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 120 g
REPRODUCTION OF AN HORN DRINKING MUGProduct no.: CORGO01Reproduction, in horn, of a mug covering the ancient and medieval periods. Suitable and treated to contain liquid.
Delivery weight: 200 g
SET OF THREE ROMAN OR MEDIEVAL SEWING NEEDLESProduct no.: OSAIGR01Lot of three reproductions of bone sewing needles (Gallo-Roman or medieval). Sizes : 9,5 cm - 5,5 cm - 4,5 cm can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
BIG ROMAN OR MEDIEVAL SEWING NEEDLESProduct no.: OSAIGR02Reproduction of a big bone sewing needle for the Gallo-Roman or medieval period decorated with streaks. Size : 9,5 cm can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SET OF TWO ROMAN BONE DICES - WHITE 10 MMProduct no.: OSDESR01Set of two bone dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of little circles. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SET OF TWO ROMAN BONE DICES - WHITE 8 MMProduct no.: OSDESR07Set of two bone dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of little circles. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 25 g
SET OF TWO BLACK ROMAN HORN DICES - SMALL SIZEProduct no.: OSDESR02Set of two horn dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of white point. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SET OF TWO BLACK ROMAN HORN DICES - MEDIUM SIZEProduct no.: OSDESR03Set of two horn dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of white point. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 25 g
SET OF TWO BLACK ROMAN HORN DICES - LARGE SIZEProduct no.: OSDESR04Set of two horn dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of white point. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SET OF TWO ROMAN BRONZE DICES - REPRODUCTIONProduct no.: BRDIV034Bronze dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of little circles.
Delivery weight: 20 g
HORN THIMBLE - WHITE MODEL REPRODUCTIONProduct no.: OSDESR06Reproduction of a horn thimble, white color, for medieval and modern times. Usable for the reconstitution. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
HORN THIMBLE - BLACK MODEL REPRODUCTIONProduct no.: OSDESR05Reproductions of dark horn thimbles, medieval and modern times. Usable during reconstitution. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
ANTIQUE BRONZES - ROMAN BRONZE KNUCKLEBONEProduct no.: BRDIV035aReproduction of a rare bronze Roman knucklebone to play. Object usable for the roman or medieval periods.
Delivery weight: 50 g
ANTIQUE BRONZES - SET OF 5 ROMAN BRONZE KNUCKLEBONESProduct no.: BRDIV035bReproduction of a set of five bronze Roman knucklebones to play. Object usable for the roman or medieval periods.
Delivery weight: 100 g
SCALE OF BRASS LORICA SQUAMATA (SET OF 10)Product no.: MEACR04Reproduction of brass scale to make or fix a lorica squamata cuirass. The price is for 10 pieces.
Delivery weight: 100 g
IRON SCALE OF LORICA SQUAMATA (SET OF 10)Product no.: MEACR06Reproduction of Iron scale of lorica to make or fix a squamata cuirass (the price is for 10 pieces).
Delivery weight: 100 g
RINGS 6 MM ROUND RIVETING FOR LORICA HAMATA (250 g.)Product no.: MEACR07Lot of 250 grs of rings 6 mm round riveting, to manufacture or repair a lorica hamata (chainmail) steel.
Delivery weight: 400 g
RINGS OF LORICA HAMATA ROUND 8 MM TO RIVET (250g.)Product no.: MEACR08Lot of 8 mm round rings to rivet, to make or repair a roman lorica hamata (chainmail) in steel.
Delivery weight: 400 g
RINGS OF LORICA HAMATA ROUND 9 MM TO RIVET (250g.)Product no.: MEACR09Rings of 9 mm rounds to rivet, to make or repair a roman lorica hamata or medieval chainmail in steel.
Delivery weight: 400 g
RINGS OF LORICA HAMATA FLAT - 6 MM TO RIVET (250 g.)Product no.: MEACR10Lot of 6 mm flat rings to rivet, to make or rapair a roman lorica hamata or a medieval chainmail.
Delivery weight: 400 g
RINGS OF LORICA HAMATA 8 MM TO RIVET (250g.)Product no.: MEACR11Rings of 8 mm flat to rivet, to make or repair a roman lorica hamata or medieval chainmail in steel.
Delivery weight: 400 g
RINGS OF LORICA HAMATA FLAT 9 MM TO RIVET (250 g.)Product no.: MEACR12Lot of 250 grs of 9 mm rings to rivet, to make or repair a roman lorica hamata or a medieval chainmail.
Delivery weight: 400 g
RINGS OF LORICA HAMATA OPENED 9 MM IN GALVANISED IRONProduct no.: MEACR13Lot of 250 grs of round and opened rings of 9 mm in galvanised iron, to make or repair a lorica hamata. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
PADDED ARMING CAP WITH STRAPSProduct no.: TECALT01Padded arming cap (black or white) with straps to adjust some helmets (ancient and medieval period). can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
PADDED ARMING CAP SIMPLE (white)Product no.: TECT02Padded arming cap used top adjust some helmets of all the periods (antiquity or medieval).
Delivery weight: 300 g
PADDED ARMING CAP SIMPLE (black)Product no.: TECT03Padded arming cap used to adjust all the helmets (ancient and medieval period). Unique size.
Delivery weight: 200 g
WOODEN STAND FOR HELMETProduct no.: BODIV01Large wooden helmet holder made up of three pieces that can be screwed together and can be used for all periods. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
MINI HELMET WOODEN STANDProduct no.: BODIV02Nice little wooden display for mini helmet. It is useful for placing small helmets of the "miniature objects" page. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 300 g
IRON ROUND UMBO FOR SHIELD (MK 1) - ANTIQUITY AND MIDDLE AGEProduct no.: MEUMR03Round iron umbo for shield, gallo-roman or medieval type, height 5 cm and the diameter 20 cm. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 600 g
ROUND BRASS UMBO OF SHIELD - GALLO-ROMAN AND MIDDLE-AGESProduct no.: MEUMR02Brass round imbo for shields, with diameter of 20 cm and height 7 cm. Gallo-roman and middle-ages periods.
Delivery weight: 400 g
IRON ROUND UMBO FOR SHIELD - (MK 2) - GALLO ROMAN AND MEDIEVALProduct no.: MEUMR04Round iron umbo for shield, gallo-roman or medieval type, height 7 cm and the diameter 20 cm.
Delivery weight: 800 g
IRON ROUND UMBO FOR SHIELD (MK 3) - GALLO-ROMAN AND MEDIEVALProduct no.: MEUMR05Iron round umbo for shield, gallo-roman or medieval type, height 8,5 cm and diameter 19 cm.
Delivery weight: 800 g
IRON ROUND UMBO FOR SHIELD (MK V) - EARLY OF MIDDLE AGESProduct no.: MEUMM01Iron round umbo for shield, barbaric type (Merovingian, Saxon, Franc...), height 7 cm and diameter 17 cm.
Delivery weight: 500 g
IRON ROUND UMBO FOR SHIELD - (MK 5) - END OF MIDDLE AGESProduct no.: MEUMM02Round iron umbo for shield, star shaped dated of the end of Middle ages. Height 7 cm and diameter 19 cm. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 800 g
SET OF 4 LACES IN LEATHER - BLACK COLORProduct no.: CULAC01Set of four laces in black color leather and for multipurpose. Medium length : around un meter.
Delivery weight: 200 g
SET OF 4 LACES IN LEATHER - DARK BROWN COLORProduct no.: CULAC02Set of four laces in brown color leather and for multipurpose. Medium length : around un meter.
Delivery weight: 150 g
BIG PURSE IN LEATHER TO PRESENT ON A BELTProduct no.: CUSAC09aLeather purse closed by a horn button and sewn with leather threads, ideal to present on a belt.
Delivery weight: 300 g
BIG PURSE IN LEATHER TO PRESENT ON A BELTProduct no.: CUSAC09bLeather purse, with brown and beige colors, closed by a horn button, ideal to present on a belt.
Delivery weight: 300 g
BIG PURSE IN LEATHER TO PRESENT ON A BELTProduct no.: CUSAC10Large and beautiful leather purse with red color, closed by a horn button, ideal to present on a belt.
Delivery weight: 300 g
LITTLE PURSE IN LEATHER TO PRESENT ON A BELTProduct no.: CUSAC11Small leather purse closed by a horn button, ideal to present on a belt. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g
MEDIEVAL LEATHER PURSEProduct no.: CUBOUR02Reproduction of a nice medieval style leather purse. delivered with a lace and a wooden bead. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
MEDIEVAL JEWELRY - LARGE MEDIEVAL FIBULA IN IRONProduct no.: FEFIB01Reproduction, in iron, of a large medieval fibula with leaf decoration at the ends - Diameter : 8 cm. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 120 g
MEDIEVAL JEWELRY - LARGE MEDIEVAL FIBULA IN IRONProduct no.: FEFIB02Reproduction, in iron, of a large and nice medieval fibula with twisted metal - Diameter : 8 cm.
Delivery weight: 120 g
MEDIEVAL JEWELRY - LARGE MEDIEVAL FIBULA IN IRONProduct no.: FEFIB03Reproduction, in iron, of a large and nice medieval fibula with twisted metal - Diameter : 8,5 cm.
Delivery weight: 220 g
MEDIEVAL JEWELRY - LARGE MEDIEVAL FIBULA IN IRONProduct no.: FEFIB04Reproduction, in iron, of a large and nice medieval fibula with transversal rod - Diameter : 7,5 cm.
Delivery weight: 220 g
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