Today, the "Ancient pottery" category in Via Temporis is rich with more than 200 reproductions of objects related to terracotta. Faced with an increasing demand and an increasing number of reenactors from the Middle Ages (Vikings, Templars, ...), it became necessary to invest in pottery from the medieval period, a period rich in form and in different settings. You will find in this category: urns, pitchers, plates, bowls ... a whole range of products with good value for money. We can also produce special objects on request.
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MEROVINGIAN URNProduct no.: POURM01Common type urn from the Merovingian period with hollow geometric decorations (6th-8th c.). can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MEROVINGIAN PLATEProduct no.: POASM01Reproduction of a common type plate from the Merovingian period - Datation : 6th-8th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - BYZANTINE PLATE WITH LION DECORATIONProduct no.: POASM05Reproduction of a byzantine plate with lion and antelope decoration, all in brown color- Datation : 12th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - BYZANTINE PLATE WITH BIRD MANProduct no.: POASM04Reproduction, in terracotta, of a byzantine plate with a bird man - Datation : 12th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MAJOLICA PLATE WITH BIRD DECORProduct no.: POASM02Reproduction of a majolica plate with glaze and bird decor (eagle) - Datation : 13th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MAJOLICA PLATE WITH 2 CHARACTERSProduct no.: POASM06Reproduction of a majolica plate with glaze and in the middle two characters - Datation : 13th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MAJOLICA PLATE WITH WOMAN DECOR 2Product no.: POASM07Reproduction of a majolica plate with glaze and woman lifting her dress - Datation : 13th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MAJOLICA PLATE WITH WOMAN DECORProduct no.: POASM03Reproduction of a majolica plate with glaze and woman and vegetables decor - Datation : 13th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MAJOLICA PLATE WITH TWO WOMEN DECORProduct no.: POASM08Reproduction of a majolica plate with glaze and two women and vegetables decor - Datation : 13th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MAJOLICA GREEN PLATEProduct no.: POASM09Reproduction, in terracotta, of a green glazed ceramic plate - Datation : 13th-14th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MEDIEVAL GLAZED STRAINERProduct no.: POPAM01Reproduction, in terracotta, of a Medieval glazed ceramic strainer - Datation : 14th-15th c. AD.
Delivery weight: 900 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - BIG MEROVINGIAN CUPProduct no.: POGOBM02Reproduction of a big common type cup from the Merovingian period - Datation : 6th-8th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - SMALL MEROVINGIAN CUPProduct no.: POGOBM01Reproduction of a small common type cup from the Merovingian period - Datation : 6th-8th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 300 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MUG WITH GREEN GLAZEProduct no.: POCHM01Mug with one handle and green glaze decorated with stars and points - Datation : 14th-15th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MAJOLICA PLATE WITH BIRD AND FLOWERS DECORProduct no.: POALM02Reproduction of an albarello decorated with one bird and flowers - Datation : 14th-15th century AD.
Delivery weight: 600 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MAJOLICA PLATE WITH MOORISH BLUE DECORProduct no.: POALM04Reproduction of an albarello decorated with blue decor type moorish - Datation : 14th century AD.
Delivery weight: 500 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MAJOLICA PLATE WITH A PEACOCK DECORProduct no.: POALM01Reproduction of an albarello decorated with two green peacocks - Datation : 14th century AD.
Delivery weight: 500 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - ALBARELLO TYPE MASSEOT ABAQUESNE WITH HEAD DECORProduct no.: POALM03Reproduction of an albarello type Masséot Abaquesne decorated with a man head - Datation : 16th century. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 600 g
MEDIEVAL CERAMIC - MULTI-LOBED CUP WITH PEACOCKS DECORProduct no.: POTAM02Reproduction of a multi-lobed cup with, inside, two peacocks and flowers - Datation : XIIIe-XIVe c. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
MEDIEVAL CERAMIC - MULTI-LOBED CUP WITH BIRD DECORProduct no.: POTAM01Reproduction of a multi-lobed cup with, inside, a blue bird and flowers - Datation : XIVe s. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 300 g
MEDIEVAL CERAMIC - MULTI-LOBED CUP WITH PETALS DECORProduct no.: POTAM03Reproduction of a multi-lobed cup with, inside, four petals and small fishs - Dating : XIIIe-XIVe c. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
MEDIEVAL CERAMIC - CUP WITH GEOMETRIC DECOR MOD.2Product no.: POTAM04Reproduction of a medieval cup decorated with geometric shapes green and brown and with two handles - 13th-15th century.
Delivery weight: 500 g
MEDIEVAL CERAMIC - CUP WITH GEOMETRIC DECOR MOD.2Product no.: POTAM05Reproduction of a medieval cup with two andle, decorated with geometric shapes - Datation : 13th-15th century.
Delivery weight: 350 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - SMALL BOWL WITH GEOMETRIC DECORProduct no.: POBOLM01Reproduction, en terre cuite, d'un petit bol d'époque médiévale - Datation : XIIIe-XVe s. UN D.
Delivery weight: 300 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - SMALL BOWL WITH CROSS DECORProduct no.: POBOLM02Reproduction, in terracotta, of a little bowl from the medieval period with cross decor - Datation : 13th-15th c. AD.
Delivery weight: 35 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - OPEN OIL LAMP WITH DUCK SHAPEProduct no.: POLAMM01Reproduction of a nice opened oil lamp, in terracotta and with glaze, of the medieval period. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 250 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MINI MEDIEVAL URN - DINETTEProduct no.: PODIM01aReproduction, in terracotta, of a medieval mini urn (dinette), with a light green glaze. (14th-15th c.). can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 kg
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MINI MEDIEVAL SKILLETProduct no.: PODIM01bReproduction, in terracotta, of a medieval mini skillet (dinette), with a light green glaze. (14th-15th c.). can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 kg
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MINI MEDIEVAL MUG - DINETTEProduct no.: PODIM01cReproduction, in tarracotta, of a mini Medieval mug with one handle (dinette), green and glazed model - Datation : 14th-15th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MINI MEDIEVAL MULTILOBED CUPProduct no.: PODIM01dReproduction, in terracotta, of a mini Medieval multilobed cup (dinette), green and glazed model - Datation : 14th-15th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MINI MEDIEVAL SOUP PLATE - DINETTEProduct no.: PODIM01eReproduction, in terracotta, of a reproduction of a mini Medieval soup plate, green and glazed model - Datation : 14th-15th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - MINI MEDIEVAL CUPProduct no.: PODIM01fReproduction, in terracotta, of a mini Medieval cup (dinette), green and glazed model - Datation : 14th-15th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 g
MEDIEVAL POTTERY - DECORATED TERRACOTTA PIPEProduct no.: POPIM01Reproduction of a decorated terracotta pipe with two characters - Datation : 17th-18th c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 g