In this page, you will find all the accessories and objects necessary to manufacture, for example, a belt (cingulum), a military signum, ... With some products, you will also be able to repair a chainmail, a squamata, ... Finally you can buy too items such as combs, dice, needles, wax tablets, table cutlery....
ANCIENT JEWERLY - ROMAN FIBULA TOILET SET WITH 6 UTENSILSProduct no.: BRFIB043Reproduction, in bronze, of a enamelled Roman fibula with a toilet set, composed of 6 utensils - Roman period.
Delivery weight: 130 g
ROMAN TOILET SET WITH 4 UTENSILSProduct no.: BRDIV019Roman hanging toilet set, composed of four brass utensils: a tweezers, a nail cleaner, a toothpick, an ear pick. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 130 g
LARGE GALLO-ROMAN BRASS SPOONProduct no.: BRDIV038Reproduction, in brass, of a big gallo-Roman spoon (cochlearium). Datation : End of Roman Empire. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
BIG ROMAN BRONZE HAIRPIN OR STYLUS WITH GODDESS SELENE (THE MOON)Product no.: BREPIR02Reproduction, in bronze, of a big hairpin or stylus decorated with a the goddess Moon (Selene) - Ist-IInd c. AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 60 g
BIG ROMAN BRONZE HAIRPIN OR STYLUS WITH A BIRDProduct no.: BREPIR01Reproduction, in bronze, of a big hairpin or stylus decorated with a bird (eagle) - Gallo-Roman time. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 60 g
LARGE ROMAN EAR CARE PIN WITH BIRD, IN BRONZEProduct no.: BREPIR03Reproduction, in bronze, of a large ear care hairpin decorated with a bird - Gallo-Roman time.
Delivery weight: 60 g
SMALL ROMAN RAZOR WITH GRIFFIN HEADProduct no.: BRDIV020Nice reproduction of a small roman razor decorated with a griffin head on its upper part. The blade is very sharp. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 g
SET OF THREE BRONZE SURGICAL INSTRUMENTSProduct no.: BRDIV018Set of surgical instruments including three small different bronze tools (Gallo-roman period). can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 120 g
GOURD (LAGUNCULA) FOR ROMAN LEGIONARYProduct no.: MEACR20Gourd (laguncula), of iron and brass, to transport water of roman legionaries. Capacity : 1,5 l.
Delivery weight: 150 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM BUCKLE - REPUBLICAN PERIODProduct no.: MEACR23Reproduction, in brass, of a beautiful Roman Republican legionary cingulum buckle. Datation : 3rd-2nd c. B.C. - Numentia (Spana).
Delivery weight: 150 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM BUCKLE - MODEL VINDONISSAProduct no.: MEACR24aReproduction, in bronze, of a beautiful Roman legionary cingulum buckle. Datation : Irst c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 150 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM BUCKLE - MODEL VINDONISSAProduct no.: MEACR24bReproduction, in bronze, of a beautiful Roman legionary cingulum buckle. Datation : Irst c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 150 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM BUCKLEProduct no.: MEACR15Large and beautiful roman legionary cingulum buckle in brass. Datation : First-second c. of AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g
LITTLE ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM BUCKLE - KALKRIESE MODELProduct no.: MEACR21Reproduction, in bronze, of a little Roman legionary cingulum buckle. Datation : First c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 150 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM BUCKLE - END OF EMPIREProduct no.: MEACR22Reproduction, in bronze, of a little and beautiful Roman legionary cingulum buckle. Datation : End of Roman Empire.
Delivery weight: 150 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM PLATE (4 HOLES) VINDONISSA MODELProduct no.: MEACR27Reproduction, in bronze, of a Roman legionary cingulum plate. Model with four holes type Vindonissa. Datation Ist and IInd c AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 60 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM PLATE (4 HOLES) NUMENTIA MODELProduct no.: MEACR28Reproduction, in bronze, of a Roman legionary cingulum plate. Model with four holes type Nementia (Spain). Datation IInd c B.C. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 60 g
SMALL ROMAN MILITARY RECOGNITION PLATEProduct no.: BRDIV037Reproduction, in bronze, of a small Roman military recognition plate. Datation : Irst-IIIrd c.
Delivery weight: 100 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM PLATE (4 HOLES)Product no.: MEACR16aRoman legionary cingulum plate in embossed brass. Model with four holes. Datation : Roman period.
Delivery weight: 20 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM PLATE (6 HOLES)Product no.: MEACR16bRoman legionary cingulum plate in embossed brass. This model is made with six holes. Datation Ist-2nd c. AD. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
CARRYING PUGIO PARTS OF ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUMProduct no.: MEACR18Carrying pugio - cingulum parts in brass with catching hooks. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g
ROMAN CINGULUM APRON BUTTONProduct no.: MEACR17Part of cingulum - Decorated brass button or nail of apron for cingulum. Gallo roman périod.
Delivery weight: 20 g
CINGULUM OR BANNER ROMAN PENDANTProduct no.: MEACR14Pendant for roman cingulum of roman legionary or for roman vexillum. Brass object made in three parts. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
CINGULUM OR BANNER ROMAN PENDANT VINDONISSAProduct no.: MEACR26Reproduction, in bronze, of a pendant for roman cingulum of roman legionary. Originary from Vindonissa. Datation 1st - 2nd c. A.D. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 25 g
SILVER PLATED PHALERA WITH DECOR OF BULL AT RIGHTProduct no.: MEPHAL01Silver plated phalera with decor of bull at right for signum or centurion. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 800 g
SILVER PLATED PHALERA WITH DECOR OF GOD MITHRA SLAYING THE BULLProduct no.: MEPHAL03Silver plated phalera with decor of god Mithra with the bull. For military signum or centurion.
Delivery weight: 800 g
SILVER PLATED PHALERA DECORATED WITH THE BUST OF AUGUSTProduct no.: MEPHAL02Silver plated phalera with decor of bust of emperor August, for military signum or centurion. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 800 g
SILVER PLATED PHALERA WITH DECOR OF WOLF WITH REMUS AND ROMULUSProduct no.: MEPHAL04Silver plated phalera with decor of the wolf nursing Remus an Romulus. For military signum or centurion. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 800 g
BRONZE PHALERA DECORATED WITH A HEAD OF LIONProduct no.: BRPHAL01Bronze phalera decorated with a head of lion, for centurion or others types of decoration.
Delivery weight: 500 g
BRONZE PHALERA DECORATED WITH A HEAD OF MEDUSAProduct no.: BRPHAL02Bronze phalera decorated with a head of Medusa, for centurion or others.
Delivery weight: 500 g
BRONZE DECORATIVE PART - HEAD OF MEDUSAProduct no.: BRDIV013Reproduction, in bronze, of a medusa's head. The object has, at the back, two rods to hang it on a cuirass in particular. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 250 g
BRONZE DECORATIVE PART - LION HEADProduct no.: BRDIV014Reproduction, in bronze, of a lion's head. The object has, at the back, two rods to hang it on a cuirass in particular.
Delivery weight: 200 g
BRASS DECORATIVE PART - LION HEADProduct no.: BRDIV015Ancient (greek, roman...) brass decorative part representing a head of lion - item that can be used to decorate furniture. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g
BRASS DECORATIVE PART - LION HEADProduct no.: BRDIV016Reproduction of a brass decorative roman part representing a lion head with a ring in his mouth. can be shipped within 8 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
BRASS DECORATIVE PART - LITTLE LION HEADProduct no.: BRDIV017Little lion head with ring can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 100 g
ROMAN BRONZES - LEGIONARY DIPLOMAProduct no.: BRDIV007Reproduction, in brass, of a Roman legionary or auxiliary diploma. Important document for his retirement.
Delivery weight: 150 g
ROMAN BRONZES - LEGIONARY DIPLOMA WITH GREEN PATINAProduct no.: BRDIV008Reproduction, in brass with green patina, of a Roman legionary or auxiliary diploma. Important document for his retirement.
Delivery weight: 150 g
BIG ROMAN BONE BLUSH BOX OR PYXIDEProduct no.: OSPYXR02Reproduction of a Roman or Merovingian bone comb or pyxide decorated with intersecting lines.
Delivery weight: 120 g
LITTLE ROMAN BONE BLUSH BOX OR PYXIDEProduct no.: OSPYXR01Reproduction of a Roman or Merovingian bone comb or pixyde. It's decorated with intersecting lines.
Delivery weight: 50 g
SIMPLE ROMAN BONE HAIRPIN OR STYLUS - LOT OF TWOProduct no.: OSEPIR13Simple bony hairpin or stylus - Roman or Medieval time - Sold by two. Roman or Medieval periods. can be shipped within 4 days
Delivery weight: 30 g
ROMAN BONE COMB - MODEL 1Product no.: OSPEIR01Reproduction, in bone, of a roman or merovingian (early middle ages) comb. Decoration of crosses and ocels. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
ROMAN BONE COMB - MOD 2Product no.: OSPEIR02Reproduction, in bone, of a Roman or Merovingian (early middle ages) comb. Decoration of ocels. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 g
SET OF THREE ROMAN OR MEDIEVAL SEWING NEEDLESProduct no.: OSAIGR01Lot of three reproductions of bone sewing needles (Gallo-Roman or medieval). Sizes : 9,5 cm - 5,5 cm - 4,5 cm can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
BIG ROMAN OR MEDIEVAL SEWING NEEDLESProduct no.: OSAIGR02Reproduction of a big bone sewing needle for the Gallo-Roman or medieval period decorated with streaks. Size : 9,5 cm can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SET OF TWO ROMAN BONE DICES - WHITE 10 MMProduct no.: OSDESR01Set of two bone dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of little circles. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SET OF TWO ROMAN BONE DICES - WHITE 8 MMProduct no.: OSDESR07Set of two bone dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of little circles. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 25 g
SET OF TWO BLACK ROMAN HORN DICES - SMALL SIZEProduct no.: OSDESR02Set of two horn dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of white point. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SET OF TWO BLACK ROMAN HORN DICES - MEDIUM SIZEProduct no.: OSDESR03Set of two horn dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of white point. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 25 g
SET OF TWO BLACK ROMAN HORN DICES - LARGE SIZEProduct no.: OSDESR04Set of two horn dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of white point. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SET OF TWO ROMAN BRONZE DICES - REPRODUCTIONProduct no.: BRDIV034Bronze dices to play, roman or medieval period. The numbers are presented in the form of little circles.
Delivery weight: 20 g
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