Via Temporis offers a large number of reproductions of metallic weapons, including gladius. Please find below a few examples of these weapons produced in the traditional way.
ANTHROPOMORPHIC CELTIC SWORDProduct no.: MEEPG01Reproduction of a celtic anthropomorphic sword. IInd-Irst c. B.C.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
REPUBLICAN ROMAN GLADIUSProduct no.: MEGLAR07Reproduction of a republican type gladius used during the Ist c. B.C. by the roman legionaries.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
POMPEI TYPE ROMAN GLADIUS (MK IV)Product no.: MEGLAR04Reproduction of a Pompei type gladius used during the late Ist and IInd c. A.D. by the roman legionaries.
Delivery weight: 3 kg
POMPEI TYPE ROMAN GLADIUS (MK V)Product no.: MEGLAR05Reproduction of a Pompei gladius used during the Ist and IInd c. A.D. by the roman legionaries.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
POMPEI TYPE ROMAN GLADIUS (MK VI)Product no.: MEGLAR06Reproduction of a Pompei type gladius used during the late Ist and IInd c. A.D. by the roman legionaries.
Delivery weight: 3 kg
POMPEI TYPE ROMAN GLADIUS (MK II)Product no.: MEGLAR02Reproductions of a Pompei type gladius used during the late Ist and IInd c. A.D. by the roman legionaries.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
POMPEI TYPE ROMAN GLADIUS (MK III)Product no.: MEGLAR03Reproduction of a Pompei gladius used during the late Ist and IInd c. A.D. by the roman legionaries.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
TEMPLAR SWORDProduct no.: MEEPM01Reproduction of a templar sword with brass pommel and cross-guard. Datation : XIIth-XIIIth c.
Delivery weight: 2.2 kg
ROMAN GLADIATOR GLADIUSProduct no.: GLGLR01Roman gladiator gladius. Iron blade, 100 % bone hilt.
Delivery weight: 600 g
MINI ROMAN GLADIUSProduct no.: MINIGLR01Reproduction, in miniature, of a roman gladius identical to the original : steel blade and wooden grip. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 300 g
TRAINING WOODEN GLADIUSProduct no.: BOGL04Great and beautiful wooden training gladius for ancient period reenactors - Lenght : 73 cm. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
SMALL WOODEN GLADIUS FOR CHILDREN - MODEL 3Product no.: BOGLENF03Small wooden gladius for children. It can serve too for the fighting training of roman gladiators and legionaries.
Delivery weight: 250 g
WOODEN PIRATE PRACTICE SWORDProduct no.: BOEPPI01Great and beautiful wooden pirate sword for practice anf fight of the reenactors of this period - Lenght : 73 cm. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
SMALL WOODEN GLADIUS FOR CHILDREN - MODEL 1Product no.: BOGLENF01Small wooden gladius for children. It can serve too for the fighting training of roman gladiators and legionaries.
Delivery weight: 400 g
SMALL WOODEN GLADIUS FOR CHILDREN - MODEL 2Product no.: BOGLENF02Small wooden gladius for children. It can serve too, for the fighting training of roman gladiators and legionaries.
Delivery weight: 400 g
SMALL WOODEN AXE FOR CHILDRENProduct no.: BOHAENF01Small wooden axe for children. It can serve too, for the fighting training of roman or medieval reenactors. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
LOT OF SMALL WOODEN GLADIUS AND AXE FOR CHILDRENProduct no.: BOGHENF01Lot of small wooden gladius and axe for children. They can serve too, for the fighting training of roman gladiators and legionaries.
Delivery weight: 600 g
TRAINING GLADIUS AND SICA IN EXOTIC WOODProduct no.: BOGL01Set composed of a gladius and a sica in exotic wood for reenactors. Good price !
Delivery weight: 700 g
TRAINING GLADIUS IN EXOTIC WOODProduct no.: BOGL02Gladius in exotic wood ideal for combat training of roman legionaries or gladiators. Good price !
Delivery weight: 400 g
TRAINING SICA IN EXOTIC WOODProduct no.: BOGL03Sica in exotic wood, perfect for training of gladiators. Strong item, craft made. Good price !
Delivery weight: 500 g
ROMAN GLADIATOR GLADIUSProduct no.: GLGLR03Roman gladiator gladius.
Delivery weight: 900 g
ROMAN GLADIATOR SICAProduct no.: GLGLR02Roman gladiator sica. Iron blade and wooden hilt.
Delivery weight: 700 g
ROMAN PUGIO WITH ADORNED SCABBARDProduct no.: MEPUR01Reproduction of a Roman legionary iron pugio with richly adorned scabbard with brass decorations.
Delivery weight: 1 kg
RETIARIUS GLADIATOR TRIDENTProduct no.: METRR01Reproduction or an iron gladiator trident. Item used with a net by the retiarius gladiator.
Delivery weight: 800 g
ROMAN PILUMProduct no.: MEPILR02Reproduction of a roman pilum with a iron spike and a wooden sleeve (IVth c. B.C to IIIrd c. A.D.). can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
BRONZE AXE - BRONZE AGE (1400-900 BC)Product no.: BRHAB01Reproduction of a bronze axe used at the end of bronze age - Datation : 1400-900 BC.
Delivery weight: 500 g
BRONZE AXE WITH GREEN PATINA - BRONZE AGE (1400-900 BC)Product no.: BRHAB02Reproduction of a bronze axe, with green patina, used at the end of bronze age - Datation : 14th-9th century BC.
Delivery weight: 500 g
BRASS SPEAR BUTTProduct no.: MELANG06Reproduction of a large brass spear or pilum heel. Object that can be used for all ancient periods. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 900 g
SET OF BRASS SPEAR HEAD AND SPEAR BUTTProduct no.: MELANG04100% brass spear head and spear butt.
Delivery weight: 800 g
SET OF BRONZE SPEAR HEAD AND SPEAR BUTTProduct no.: MELANG03100% bronze spearhead and spear butt.
Delivery weight: 800 g
LARGE TRIFACE ARROW HEAD OF THE BRONZE AGE 9 CMProduct no.: ARFLE10Reproduction of a rare and large brass triface arrow head of the bronze age. Dated from 1000 BC.
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL ARROW WITH FINS OF THE BRONZE AGEProduct no.: ARFLE02Reproduction of a small flat arrow from the Bronze Age very common in western Europe. Dated circa 1000 BC.
can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL ANTIQUE BRONZE ARROW WITH SOCKET 3,5 CMProduct no.: ARFLE04Reproduction of a small triface bronze arrow head from the antique period - size : 3,5 cm. Datation : 600-400 B.C. circa can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
LARGE TRIFACE ARROW OF THE BRONZE AGE 6,5 CMProduct no.: ARFLE03Reproduction of a quite rare large brass arrow of the bronze age, size 6,5 cm. Datation: 2700-900 A.D. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL GALLO-ROMAN BRASS ARROW 35 MMProduct no.: ARFLE19Reproduction of a small brass arrow, dated from the Roman republican period, IV- first bc. Size 3,5 cm
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL GALLO-ROMAN BRASS TRIFACE ARROW 35 MMProduct no.: ARFLE05Reproduction of a small triface arrow head in bronze, dated from the Gallo-roman period. Datation: 1st B.C. - 1st A.D.
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL GALLO-ROMAN BRASS TRIFACE ARROW HEAD 35 MMProduct no.: ARFLE16Reproduction of a small triface bronze arrow head, dated from the Gallo-Roman period. Datation: 1st B.C. - 1th A.D.
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL GALLO-ROMAN BRASS TRIFACE ARROW HEAD 28 MMProduct no.: ARFLE17Reproduction of a mall triface arrow, dated from the Gallo-Roman period. Datation: 1th B.C. - 1th A.D.
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL GALLO-ROMAN BRASS TRIFACE ARROW HEAD 21 MMProduct no.: ARFLE18Reproduction of a mall triface arrow, dated from the Gallo-Roman period. Datation: 1th B.C. - 1th A.D.
Delivery weight: 20 g
BRASS BIFACE ARROW HEAD OF THE ANTIQUITYProduct no.: ARFLE11Reproduction, in brass, of a biface arrow head of the antiquity. Size : 3,7 cm. It has no barbs. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
ANTIQUITY BRASS ARROW HEAD WITH BARB - 4,6 CMProduct no.: ARFLE12Reproduction, in bronze, of a biface barrow head of the antiquity period. It has a barb on one side.
Delivery weight: 50 g
SMALL ANTIQUE BRONZE BIFACE ARROW HEAD 40 MMProduct no.: ARFLE15Reproduction of a small biface bronze arrow head, dated from the Gallo-Roman period. Datation: 1st B.C. - 1th A.D.
Delivery weight: 50 g
ANTIQUE SLING WITH BRAIDED LEATHER THREADSProduct no.: ARFRO01Reproduction of an antique sling designed to send projectiles (stones, bullets...). can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 250 g
ANTIQUE SLING WITH BRAIDED JUTE CORDSProduct no.: ARFRO02Reproduction of an antique sling designed to send projectiles (stones, bullets...).
Delivery weight: 120 g
LEAD SLING BALL WITH LEGEND C IMP/ROMAProduct no.: ARBAF01Reproduction of a roman lead sling ball with text on two sides: C.IMP / ROMA.
Delivery weight: 100 g
LEAD SLING BALL WITH LEGEND PETE/CVLVMProduct no.: ARBAF02Reproduction of a roman lead sling ball with text on two sides: PETE/CVLVM.
Delivery weight: 100 g
OPEN LETTERS WITH THE FORM OF ROMAN GLADIUSProduct no.: BRDIV009Reproduction of a mini roman gladius with nice decoration. Delivered with a wood support.
Delivery weight: 200 g
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