You will find on this page, a large number of products related to war and hunting like bows, arrows, slingshots, bullets, arrowheads spanning from prehistory to the end of the antiquity.
These arrowheads are producted are made of flint, bronze and iron
LEATHER QUIVER WITH SWORD DECORATIONProduct no.: CUCARR01Reproduction, in brown leather, of a Roman archer quiver decorated with a sword and a laurel wreath. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
LEATHER QUIVER WITH WOLF DECORATIONProduct no.: CUCARR02Reproduction, in brown leather, of a Roman archer quiver decorated with a wolf, Remus and Romulus can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
LEATHER QUIVER WITH DECORATION OF EAGLE HEADProduct no.: CUCARM01Reproduction, in brown leather, of a archer quiver decorated with a eagle head. Multi era. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
LEATHER QUIVER WITH DECORATION OF UNICORNProduct no.: CUCARM02Reproduction, in brown leather, of a archer quiver decorated with an unicorn. Multi era. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
LEATHER QUIVER WITH GEOMETRIC DECORProduct no.: CUCARM03Reproduction, in brown leather, of a archer quiver decorated with a geometric decor. Multi era.
Delivery weight: 1 kg
LEAD SLING BALL WITH LEGEND C IMP/ROMAProduct no.: ARBAF01Reproduction of a roman lead sling ball with text on two sides: C.IMP / ROMA.
Delivery weight: 100 g
LEAD SLING BALL WITH LEGEND PETE/CVLVMProduct no.: ARBAF02Reproduction of a roman lead sling ball with text on two sides: PETE/CVLVM.
Delivery weight: 100 g
ANTIQUE SLING WITH BRAIDED LEATHER THREADSProduct no.: ARFRO01Reproduction of an antique sling designed to send projectiles (stones, bullets...). can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 250 g
ANTIQUE SLING WITH BRAIDED JUTE CORDSProduct no.: ARFRO02Reproduction of an antique sling designed to send projectiles (stones, bullets...).
Delivery weight: 120 g
LARGE TRIFACE ARROW HEAD OF THE BRONZE AGE 9 CMProduct no.: ARFLE10Reproduction of a rare and large brass triface arrow head of the bronze age. Dated from 1000 BC.
Delivery weight: 20 g
LARGE TRIFACE ARROW OF THE BRONZE AGE 6,5 CMProduct no.: ARFLE03Reproduction of a quite rare large brass arrow of the bronze age, size 6,5 cm. Datation: 2700-900 A.D. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL ARROW WITH FINS OF THE BRONZE AGEProduct no.: ARFLE02Reproduction of a small flat arrow from the Bronze Age very common in western Europe. Dated circa 1000 BC.
can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL ANTIQUE BRONZE ARROW WITH SOCKET 3,5 CMProduct no.: ARFLE04Reproduction of a small triface bronze arrow head from the antique period - size : 3,5 cm. Datation : 600-400 B.C. circa can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL GALLO-ROMAN BRASS ARROW 35 MMProduct no.: ARFLE19Reproduction of a small brass arrow, dated from the Roman republican period, IV- first bc. Size 3,5 cm
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL GALLO-ROMAN BRASS TRIFACE ARROW 35 MMProduct no.: ARFLE05Reproduction of a small triface arrow head in bronze, dated from the Gallo-roman period. Datation: 1st B.C. - 1st A.D.
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL GALLO-ROMAN BRASS TRIFACE ARROW HEAD 35 MMProduct no.: ARFLE16Reproduction of a small triface bronze arrow head, dated from the Gallo-Roman period. Datation: 1st B.C. - 1th A.D.
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL GALLO-ROMAN BRASS TRIFACE ARROW HEAD 28 MMProduct no.: ARFLE17Reproduction of a mall triface arrow, dated from the Gallo-Roman period. Datation: 1th B.C. - 1th A.D.
Delivery weight: 20 g
SMALL GALLO-ROMAN BRASS TRIFACE ARROW HEAD 21 MMProduct no.: ARFLE18Reproduction of a mall triface arrow, dated from the Gallo-Roman period. Datation: 1th B.C. - 1th A.D.
Delivery weight: 20 g
BRASS BIFACE ARROW HEAD OF THE ANTIQUITYProduct no.: ARFLE11Reproduction, in brass, of a biface arrow head of the antiquity. Size : 3,7 cm. It has no barbs. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
ANTIQUITY BRASS ARROW HEAD WITH BARB - 4,6 CMProduct no.: ARFLE12Reproduction, in bronze, of a biface barrow head of the antiquity period. It has a barb on one side.
Delivery weight: 50 g
SMALL ANTIQUE BRONZE BIFACE ARROW HEAD 40 MMProduct no.: ARFLE15Reproduction of a small biface bronze arrow head, dated from the Gallo-Roman period. Datation: 1st B.C. - 1th A.D.
Delivery weight: 50 g
BRONZE AXE - BRONZE AGE (1400-900 BC)Product no.: BRHAB01Reproduction of a bronze axe used at the end of bronze age - Datation : 1400-900 BC.
Delivery weight: 500 g
BRONZE AXE WITH GREEN PATINA - BRONZE AGE (1400-900 BC)Product no.: BRHAB02Reproduction of a bronze axe, with green patina, used at the end of bronze age - Datation : 14th-9th century BC.
Delivery weight: 500 g
PREHISTORY - OBSIDIAN ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 3 AND 4 CMProduct no.: PIFLE17Reproduction of a small obsidian arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Black color - size : between 3 and 4 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 25 g
PREHISTORY - OBSIDIAN ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 4 AND 5 CMProduct no.: PIFLE18Reproduction of a small obsidian arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Black color - size : between 4 and 5 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 25 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 4 AND 5 CM - BROWNProduct no.: PIFLE01Reproduction of a small flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Brown color - size : between 4 and 5 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 5 AND 6 CM - BROWNProduct no.: PIFLE02Reproduction of a small flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Brown color - size : between 5 and 6 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 5 AND 7 CM - GREYProduct no.: PIFLE04Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Grey color - size : between 5 and 7 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 4 AND 5 CM - GREYProduct no.: PIFLE03Reproduction of a small flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Grey color - size : between 4 and 5 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 4 AND 5 CM - BLACKProduct no.: PIFLE05Reproduction of a small flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Black color - size : between 4 and 5 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 20 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 5 AND 6 CM - BLACKProduct no.: PIFLE06Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Black color - size : between 5 and 6 cm.
Delivery weight: 20 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 4 AND 5 CM - GRAYProduct no.: PIFLE09Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Gray color - size : between 4 and 5 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 30 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 5 AND 8 CM - GRAYProduct no.: PIFLE10Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Gray color - size : between 5 and 8 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 30 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 4 AND 5 CM - BLACKProduct no.: PIFLE11Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Black color - size : between 4 and 5 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 30 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 5 AND 7 CM - BROWNProduct no.: PIFLE08Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Brown color - size : between 5 and 7 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 30 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT ARROWHEAD BETWEEN 4 AND 5 CM - BROWNProduct no.: PIFLE07Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Brown color - size : between 4 and 5 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 30 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT AMYGDALOID ARROWHEAD - BETWEEN 4 AND 6 CM - BLACKProduct no.: PIFLE15Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Black color - size : between 4 and 6 cm.
Delivery weight: 20 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT AMYGDALOID ARROWHEAD - BETWEEN 6 AND 8 CM - BROWNProduct no.: PIFLE13Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Brown color - size : between 6 and 8 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 80 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT AMYGDALOID ARROWHEAD - BETWEEN 4 AND 6 CM - BROWNProduct no.: PIFLE12Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Brown color - size : between 4 and 6 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 80 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT AMYGDALOID ARROWHEAD - BETWEEN 6 AND 8 CM - GRAYProduct no.: PIFLE14Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Gray color - size : between 6 and 8 cm.
Delivery weight: 120 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT AMYGDALOID ARROWHEAD - BETWEEN 6 AND 8 CM - BLACKProduct no.: PIFLE16Reproduction of a flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - Black color - size : between 6 and 8 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
PREHISTORY - SET OF THREE FLINT ARROWHEAD - THREE COLORSProduct no.: PIFLE20Reproduction of a set of three flint arrowhead from the prehistory Age - three colors - size : between 4,5 and 6 cm.
Delivery weight: 20 g
PREHISTORY - SET OF 5 AGATE ARROWHEADS BETWEEN 3 AND 4 CMProduct no.: PIFLE19Set of five little reproductions agate arrowheads from the prehistory Age - different colors - size : between 3 and 4 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 30 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT SPEAR HEAD - 7-9 CMProduct no.: PILAN01Reproduction of a flint spear head of the prehistory Age - light color - size : near 7-9 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 70 g
PREHISTORY - SET OF THREE FLINT SPEAR HEADS - 5-6 CMProduct no.: PILAN02Reproduction of a set of three flint spear heads of the prehistory Age - size : near 5-6 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g
PREHISTORY - SET OF TWO FLINT SPEAR HEADS - 6-7 CMProduct no.: PILAN03Reproduction of a set of two flint spear heads of the prehistory Age - size : between 6-7 cm.
Delivery weight: 150 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT BIFACE - BROWN OR GREY COLOR - 10-13 CMProduct no.: PIBIF01Reproduction of a flint biface used at the prehistory Age for a hand axe - Brown color - size : between 10 and 13 cm.
Delivery weight: 400 g
PREHISTORY - FLINT BIFACE - BROWN OR BLACK COLOR 6-8 CMProduct no.: PIBIF02Reproduction of a flint biface used, at the prehistory, for a hand axe - Brown or black color - size : between 6 and 8 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g
PREHISTORY - SET OF TWO FLINT SCRAPERSProduct no.: PIRAC01Reproduction of a set of two flint scrapers used, at the prehistory - size : between 8 and 11 cm.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g