On this page, Via Temporis presents a big choice of helmets from the Roman period both from the Republic and the Empire.
This concerns the Roman Republic with helmets "montefortino" or "coolus" types ... but also the Empire with various helmets such as "italic imperial," gaulish imperial "... You also have many gladiators helmets: Provocator, Thrace, Secutor, Mirmillon ...
Republican montefortino brass helmet. IV-IIIe s B.C.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
MONTEFORTINO HELMET MODEL IIProduct no.: CROM01Republican Montefortino Brass helmet. IVe-IIIe s B.C.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Cesarian coolus brass helmet. Irst c. B.C.
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
HELMET COOLUS CProduct no.: CROM04Republican Coolus C brass helmet. Irst c. B.C.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
ROMAN PRETORIAN HELMETProduct no.: CROM10aPretorian helmet richly decorated with brass parts and presenting a great horsehair crest.
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
BLACK ROMAN PRETORIAN HELMET WITH BLACK CRESTProduct no.: CROM10bPretorian helmet in black color richly decorated with brass parts and presenting a great black horsehair crest.
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
ROMAN IMPERIAL ITALIC HELMET TYPE D WITH CENTURION CRESTProduct no.: CROM08Reproduction of a Roman imperial italic helmet type D with a Centurion crest, color beige and black.
Delivery weight: 3 kg
ROMAN IMPERIAL ITALIC HELMET TYPE DProduct no.: CROM07Reproduction of a Roman Imperial Italic Helmet type D dated of the Late of Ist c. and IInd c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
ROMAN IMPERIAL ITALIC HELMET TYPE GProduct no.: CROM05aReproduction of a Roman Imperial Italic helmet type G dated of the end of the Irst c. and early IInd c. A.D.)
Delivery weight: 3 kg
ROMAN HELMET FOR CHILDRENProduct no.: CROMENF01Reproduction of the famous roman imperial helmet for children. Iron helmet with brass decorations. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
ROMAN HELMET IMPERIAL GALLIC GProduct no.: CROM06Reproduction of a Roman Gallic imperial type G helmet. It has a lining inside for its adjustment.
Delivery weight: 2.2 kg
ROMAN AUXILIARY BOWMAN HELMETProduct no.: CROM09Reproduction of a beautiful roman auxiliary bowman helmet with neck cover in brass scales.
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
ROMAN CAVALRY HELMET WITH FACEProduct no.: CROM12Reproduction of a Roman cavalry helmet type imperial gallic with, on the front of the helmet a brass face. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
ROMAN HELMET AUGST TYPEProduct no.: CROM14Late roman helmet Augst type (IVth century A.D.)
Delivery weight: 2 kg
GLADIATOR THRAEX BRASS HELMETProduct no.: CGL015Reproduction of a Gladiator Thraex brass helmet richly decorated. The upper part presents a griffin's head - Irst c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GLADIATOR THRAEX HELMET WITH BRONZE PATINAProduct no.: CGL014Reproduction of a Gladiator thraex iron helmet with bronze patina. The upper part presents a griffin's head - Irst c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 4.2 kg
GLADIATOR MIRMILLON IRON HELMET MOD.1Product no.: CGL016Reproduction, in iron, of a gladiator mirmillon helmet. It has, on the front, a face with many holes.
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GLADIATOR MIRMILLON IRON HELMET MOD.2Product no.: CGL017Reproduction, in iron, of a gladiator mirmillon helmet. It has, on the front, a face with two "eyecups". Irst c. AD
Delivery weight: 5 kg
GLADIATOR MIRMILLON IRON HELMET MOD.3Product no.: CGL010Reproduction, in iron, of a gladiator mirmillon helmet. It has, on the front, a face with two "eyecups". Irst c. AD
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GLADIATOR PROVOCATOR BRASS HELMETProduct no.: CGL001This reproduction is dated from the second half of the first century of our era. 100 % brass helmet, 2,50-3,00 mm thickness
Delivery weight: 4 kg
IRON GLADIATOR PROVOCATOR HELMET WITH BRONZE PATINA (TH. 1,6 MM)Product no.: CGL009Reproduction, in iron, of a gladiator provocator helmet (thickness 1,6 mm). This helmet is dated from Irst c AD.
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GLADIATOR PROVOCATOR HELMET (TH. 2MM)Product no.: CGL002aReproduction, in iron, of a gladiator provocator helmet (thickness 2 mm). This helmet is dated from Irst c AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 6 kg
GLADIATOR SECUTOR BRASS HELMETProduct no.: CGL004Secutor brass helmet, 1,50 mm thickness. Dated from our era's first century.
Delivery weight: 2.2 kg
GLADIATOR SECUTOR IRON HELMETProduct no.: CGL005Reproduction, in iron, of a gladiator Secutor helmet, 1,60 mm thickness. Datation : first century of us era. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
GLADIATOR MIRMILLION BRONZE HELMETProduct no.: CGL007Gladiator mirmillon 100 % bronze helmet. Our helmet is a reproduction from an original dated from the IInd century AD.
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
GLADIATOR MIRMILLON IRON HELMET MOD. 4Product no.: CGL008Gladiator mirmillon iron helmet. This helmet is a reproduction from an original dated from the IInd century AD.
Delivery weight: 4.5 kg
GLADIATOR PROVOCATOR HELMET FOR CHILDRENProduct no.: CGLRENF01Rare reproduction of a provocator helmet, for children. This reproduction is inspired from an original found in Pompei.
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
MAXIMUS HELMET - GLADIATOR MOVIEProduct no.: CGL011Gladiator helmet, un-archeological, replica of Maximus's helmet from the movie "Gladiator".
Delivery weight: 2 kg
MINI MAXIMUS HELMET - GLADIATOR MOVIEProduct no.: MINICROM05Reproduction of Maximus's helmet in the movie "Gladiator". This helmet has antique inspiration but is not historical.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 600 g
MINI MIRMILLON GLADIATOR HELMETProduct no.: MINICROM06Miniature reproduction of a Mirmillon gladiator helmet. Product delivered with a wooden stand.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
MINI HELMET OF ROMAN LEGIONARY TYPE ITALIC DProduct no.: MINICROM03Reproduction at the 1/3rd of the roman legionary's helmet, imperial italic D type whose characteristics are identical to the original.
Delivery weight: 600 g
MINI HELMET OF ROMAN LEGIONARY WITH CRESTProduct no.: MINICROM01Reproduction in 1/3rd of "imperial gallic" helmet with red horsehair crest and the the same caracteristic as the original.
Delivery weight: 700 g
MINI HELMET OF ROMAN LEGIONARYProduct no.: MINICROM02Reproduction at the 1/3rd of the roman legionary's helmet, imperial gallic type whose caracterics are identical to the original. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
RED CRESTProduct no.: CDIV04Reproduction of a crest for helmets made of horsehair and colored red. datation : Roma period.
Delivery weight: 0.4 kg
PADDED ARMING CAP WITH STRAPSProduct no.: TECALT01Padded arming cap (black or white) with straps to adjust some helmets (ancient and medieval period). can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
PADDED ARMING CAP SIMPLE (white)Product no.: TECT02Padded arming cap used top adjust some helmets of all the periods (antiquity or medieval).
Delivery weight: 300 g
PADDED ARMING CAP SIMPLE (black)Product no.: TECT03Padded arming cap used to adjust all the helmets (ancient and medieval period). Unique size.
Delivery weight: 200 g
WOODEN STAND FOR HELMETProduct no.: BODIV01Large wooden helmet holder made up of three pieces that can be screwed together and can be used for all periods. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
MINI HELMET WOODEN STANDProduct no.: BODIV02Nice little wooden display for mini helmet. It is useful for placing small helmets of the "miniature objects" page. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 300 g