On this page, we offer a whole range of products related to Greco-Roman antiquity. Among these products, we have statuettes, statues and busts in bronze or plaster. Here, you will find a selection of these products that can be seen, today, in a large number of Archaeological Museums around the world. Finally, we can also produce products on request.
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - BIG HEAD OF EMPEROR AUGUSTUS - ARLESProduct no.: SCULTER01Reproduction, in waxed plaster, of a large head of the Emperor Augustus. The original item, in marble, is conserved at the Arles museum. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 15 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - HEAD OF THE GODDESS HYGIEProduct no.: SCULTER02Reproduction, in waxed plaster, of a head of the goddess Hygie. The original item, in marble, is conserved at the Athènes museum. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 15 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - HEAD OF GOD MITHRA OF ARLES MUSEUMProduct no.: SCULTER03Reproduction, in waxed plaster, of a head of the god Mithra. The original item, in limestone, is conserved at the Arles museum. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 8 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - DECORATION WITH LION FRIZZLEProduct no.: SCULAPR03Reproduction, in cement, of a frieze representing 2 lions chasing a warthog. Inspired by a Roman mosaic to El Jem (Tunisia). can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 86 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - LION'S HEAD IN CIMENT FOR FOUNTAINProduct no.: SCULAPR05Reproduction, in white cement, of a Gallo-Roman lion's head to possibly decorate a fountain. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 13 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - IONIC CAPITAL FOR COLUMNProduct no.: SCULAPR07Reproduction, in white cement, of a ionic capital, intended to integrate the upper part of a column. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 22 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - COLUMN BOTTONProduct no.: SCULAPR08Reproduction, in white cement, of a column bottom, Gallo-Roman type. Fits with the Ionic capital, available on the website. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 16 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - CAPITAL WITH ACANTHUS LEAFProduct no.: SCULAPR09Reproduction, in white cement, of a Roman capital decorated with a large corinthian leaf . can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 11 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - FRIEZE DECORATED WITH WAVESProduct no.: SCULAPR06Reproduction, in white cement, of a ancinet frieze (Roman, Greek) with the shape of a swirling wave. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 2 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - SUPPORT ANCIENT DECORATIONProduct no.: SCULAPR04Reproduction, in white cement, of a wall lamp used in antiquity in the form of wall console. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 8 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - DECORATION WITH GOD MITHRAProduct no.: SCULAPR01Reproduction of a bas-relief of the God Mithra, with traditionnal attibutes, in waxed plaster.
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
GALLO-ROMAN SCULPTURE - DECORATION WITH MEDUSA HEAD - ARLES MUSEUMProduct no.: SCULAPR02Reproduction of a wall lamp representing a head of Medusa. The original piece decorates the side of a sarcophagus of the Arles museum. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 1.3 kg
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF GLADIATOR SECUTOR - ARLES MUSEUMProduct no.: BRSTA010AReproduction of a bronze statuette of a gladiator "secutor" preserved in the museum of Arles. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF GLADIATOR SECUTOR - SILVER PLATED - ARLES MUSEUMProduct no.: BRSTA010BReproduction of a bronze statuette of a gladiator "secutor" preserved in the museum of Arles. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
ROMAN BRONZE - BIG DISH OF WORSHIP WITH HEAD OF MARSProduct no.: BRSTA020Reproduction of a large dish of worship with a big head of Mars and four Venus statuettes.
Delivery weight: 4.5 kg
ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF THE WOLF WITH REMUS AND ROMULUS - BIG SIZEProduct no.: BRSTA017Reproduction of a large statuette of Capitol wolf with Rémus and Romulus with green patina.
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
STATUETTE OF THE CAPITOLE WOLF WITH REMUS AND ROMULUSProduct no.: BRSTA014Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a small statuette of the famous wolf of the Capitol of Rome.
Delivery weight: 150 g
STATUETTE OF THE CAPITOLE WOLF WITH REMUS AND ROMULUSProduct no.: BRSTA013Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a statuette Capitol wolf with Remus and Romulus.
Delivery weight: 50 g
GALLIC BRONZE - SMALL STATUETTE OF A GALLIC BOARProduct no.: BRSTA024Small statuette of a Gallic boar in bronze (copy of a model found in Allier - France). 2nd-1st c. BC.
Delivery weight: 100 g
GALLIC BRONZE - SMALL STATUETTE OF A GALLIC BOAR IIProduct no.: BRSTA025Small statuette of a Gallic boar in bronze with green patina (copy of a model found in Allier - France). 2nd-1st c. BC.
Delivery weight: 100 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF A HORSE WITH GREEN PATINAProduct no.: BRSTA044Reproduction, in bronze with nice green patina, of a statuette of a horse, with antique style.
Delivery weight: 400 g
ROMAN BRONZE MIRROR WITH DEITIES WHOSE MERCURY GODProduct no.: BRDIV001Reproduction of a roman bronze mirror decorated with three deities : Mercury, Mars and Jupiter.
Delivery weight: 500 g
ROMAN BRONZE - LARGE STATUETTE OF GOD JUPITERProduct no.: BRSTA018Reproduction of a large statuette of god Jupiter sitting on his throne, with green patina (Roman Empire).
Delivery weight: 2.5 g
ROMAN BRONZE - BUST OF MARCUS AURELIUSProduct no.: BRSTA021Reproduction of a large bust of the emperor Marcus Aurelius with green patina can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
ANTIQUE BRONZE - STATUETTE OF RHYTON WITH A HORSE FORMProduct no.: BRSTA015Reproduction of a bronze rhyton with a horse form can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 1.8 kg
ANTIQUE BRONZE - STATUETTE OF RHYTON WITH A BULL HEADProduct no.: BRSTA016Reproduction of a bronze rhyton with a bull head. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 1.7 kg
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF GLADIATOR MIRMILLON - GREEN PATINAProduct no.: BRSTA030Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a statuette of a gladiator, mirmillon type, on it's base. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
ROMAN BRONZE - KNIFE HANDLE WITH GLADIATORProduct no.: BRSTA022Reproduction of a bronze knife handle decorated with a roman gladiator.
Delivery weight: 200 g
ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF TWO GLADIATORS FACING FACEProduct no.: BRSTA023Reproduction of a bronze statuette with two gladiators fighting. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
MINI THRACIAN GLADIATOR HELMETProduct no.: MINICBGL01Reproduction in bronze with green antique patina, of a mini Thracian gladiator helmet with griffin.
Delivery weight: 200 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF THE GOD HERCULESProduct no.: BRSTA001Reproduction of a silver plated bronze statuette of the god Hercules. He holds a sledgehammer and kills a snake. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 1,000 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF THE GOD MARS IProduct no.: BRSTA002aReproduction of a silver plated bronze statuette of the god Mars. It rests on a base of the same composition.
Delivery weight: 700 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF THE GOD MARS IIProduct no.: BRSTA002bReproduction of a brass statuette of the god Mars. This model has a shield and a spear.
Delivery weight: 800 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - LITTLE STATUETTE OF THE GOD MARSProduct no.: BRSTA026Reproduction of a little brass statuette of the god Mars. He holds in his right hand a lance and a shield with the left hand. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 g
ROMAN BRONZE - HEAD OF THE GODESS VENUSProduct no.: BRSTA019Reproduction of bronze head of the goddess Venus with green patina.
Delivery weight: 900 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF THE GODDESS VENUS - ARLESProduct no.: BRSTA009Reproduction of a bronze statuette of the goddess Venus "in the bath" preserved, today, in the big museum of Arles.
Delivery weight: 700 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF THE GODDESS VENUSProduct no.: BRSTA003aReproduction of a silver plated bronze statuette of the goddess Venus. It rests on a base of the same composition. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF THE GODDESS VENUS WITH GREEN PATINA MOD 1Product no.: BRSTA003bReproduction of a bronze statuette, with green patina, of the goddess Venus. It rests on a base of the same composition. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF THE GODDESS VENUS WITH GREEN PATINA MOD 2Product no.: BRSTA033Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, a statuette of the goddess Venus with a swan. It rests on a circular base.
Delivery weight: 800 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF THE GODDESS VENUS WITH GREEN PATINA MOD 4Product no.: BRSTA038Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a statuette of the goddess Venus. It rests on a circular base. Roman period. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 600 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF GODDESS VENUS WITH GREEN PATINA MOD.5Product no.: BRSTA042Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a statuette of the goddess Venus.
Delivery weight: 140 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF GODDESS VENUS WITH GREEN PATINA MOD.6Product no.: BRSTA040Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a statuette of the goddess Venus, on his basement.
Delivery weight: 500 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF GODDESS VENUS WITH GREEN PATINA MOD.3Product no.: BRSTA041Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a statuette of the goddess Venus, with the left arm raised. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 300 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - PACK OF STATUETTES OF APOLLO AND VENUSProduct no.: BRSTA048Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of two statuettes of the gods Venus and Apollo.
Delivery weight: 200 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF GOD APOLLO WITH GREEN PATINAProduct no.: BRSTA045Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a statuette of the god Apollo holding a bow and a purse.
Delivery weight: 150 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF APOLLON WITH GREEN PATINAProduct no.: BRSTA029Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a statuette of the god apollon, on his basement
Delivery weight: 100 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF PRIAPUS WITH PATINA MOD 1Product no.: BRSTA036Reproduction, in bronze, of a statuette of Priapus with green patina. It rests on a circular base. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 600 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF PRIAPUS WITH PATINA MOD 2Product no.: BRSTA035Reproduction of a bronze statuette, with green patina, of Roman Priapus. It rests on a circular base. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 600 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE OF AUGUSTUS WITH GREEN PATINAProduct no.: BRSTA032Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a statuette of the emperor Augustus, on his base. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
GALLO-ROMAN BRONZE - STATUETTE EMPEROR AUGUSTUS WITH GREEN PATINAProduct no.: BRSTA043Reproduction, in bronze with green patina, of a statuette of the emperor Augustus. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 250 g
1 - 50 of 105 results |