All the warriors of antiquity and Middle âges, whether in the infantry, the cavalry or others, used, for their protection, a more or less large shield according to the periods. These protections, mainly made of wood, were of different sizes and shapes depending on the type of soldier and the the periods.
GREEK SHIELD - GORGONEION DECORATIONProduct no.: BOGRE02aReproduction, in wood, of a Greek shield with decoration of Gorgoneion. It has a leather handle on the inside and a rope on the whole rim. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GREEK SHIELD - LION DECORATIONProduct no.: BOGRE02dReproduction, in wood, of a Greek shield with a lion decoration. It has a leather handle and a rope around the edge.
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GREEK SHIELD - PEGASUS DECORATIONProduct no.: BOGRE02bReproduction, in wood, of a Greek shield with Pegasus decoration. It has a leather handle and a rope on the whole rim. can be shipped within 4 days
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GREEK SHIELD - SCORPIO DECORATIONProduct no.: BOGRE02eReproduction, in wood, of a Greek shield with scorpio decoration. It has a leather handle and a rope around the edge. can be shipped within 8 days
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GREEK SHIELD - GEOMETRICAL DECORATIONProduct no.: BOGRE02fReproduction, in wood, of a Greek shield with geometrical decoration. It has leather handle and a rope around the edge. can be shipped within 4 days
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GREEK SHIELD - GREAT V DECORATIONProduct no.: BOGRE02cReproduction, in wood, of a Greek shield in with great V decoration.
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
ROMAN REPUBLICAN SHIELDProduct no.: BOROM01Reproduction of a roman Republican shield or scutum (IInd-Irst c. B.C.). Beautiful hand-painted decoration. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 7 kg
ROMAN LEGIONARY SHIELDProduct no.: BOROM02Reproduction of the famous roman legionary shield or scutum.
Delivery weight: 6 kg
CHILDREN ROMAN LEGIONARY SHIELDProduct no.: BOROM03Reproduction for children, of the famous shield (or scutum) of the Roman legionary. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 2 kg
IRON LEGIONARY SHIELD FOR CHILDRENProduct no.: MEBOR01Iron legionary shield for the children. It has the same shape and the same decorations as those of the High Roman Empire.
Delivery weight: 4 kg
MIRMILLON GLADIATOR SHIELDProduct no.: BOGLR01Mirmillon gladiator wooden shield, paintable.
Delivery weight: 5 kg
SECUTOR GLADIATOR SHIELDProduct no.: BOGLR02Secutor gladiator shield in wood, paintable.
Delivery weight: 4 kg
THRACIAN GLADIATOR SHIELDProduct no.: BOGLR03Thracian gladiator shield in wood, paintable.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
THRACIAN GLADIATOR ROUND SHIELDProduct no.: BOGLR05Round shield of thracian gladiator in wood. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
ROUND HOPLOMAQUE GLADIATOR SHIELDProduct no.: BOGLR04Reproduction of a round shield of hoplomaque gladiator in wood. It has an umbo in his center.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
ROUND VIKING SHIELD WITH STYLIZED DRAGON DECORProduct no.: BOBOM01Reproduction, in wood, of a round Viking shield with steel umbo. Colors are blue and white. It is decorated with a stylized dragon.
Delivery weight: 3 kg
ROUND VIKING SHIELD WITH STYLIZED EAGLES DECORProduct no.: BOBOM02Reproduction, in wood, of a round Viking shield with steel umbo. It is decorated with stylized eagles and triquetras symbol around.
Delivery weight: 3 kg
ROUND BRASS UMBO OF SHIELD - GALLO-ROMAN AND MIDDLE-AGESProduct no.: MEUMR02Brass round imbo for shields, with diameter of 20 cm and height 7 cm. Gallo-roman and middle-ages periods.
Delivery weight: 400 g
IRON ROUND UMBO FOR SHIELD (MK 1) - ANTIQUITY AND MIDDLE AGEProduct no.: MEUMR03Round iron umbo for shield, gallo-roman or medieval type, height 5 cm and the diameter 20 cm. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 600 g
IRON ROUND UMBO FOR SHIELD - (MK 2) - GALLO ROMAN AND MEDIEVALProduct no.: MEUMR04Round iron umbo for shield, gallo-roman or medieval type, height 7 cm and the diameter 20 cm.
Delivery weight: 800 g
IRON ROUND UMBO FOR SHIELD (MK 3) - GALLO-ROMAN AND MEDIEVALProduct no.: MEUMR05Iron round umbo for shield, gallo-roman or medieval type, height 8,5 cm and diameter 19 cm.
Delivery weight: 800 g
IRON ROUND UMBO FOR SHIELD (MK V) - EARLY OF MIDDLE AGESProduct no.: MEUMM01Iron round umbo for shield, barbaric type (Merovingian, Saxon, Franc...), height 7 cm and diameter 17 cm.
Delivery weight: 500 g
IRON ROUND UMBO FOR SHIELD - (MK 5) - END OF MIDDLE AGESProduct no.: MEUMM02Round iron umbo for shield, star shaped dated of the end of Middle ages. Height 7 cm and diameter 19 cm. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 800 g
TARGE OR BUCKLER - SMALL SIZEProduct no.: METARM01Reproduction of a combat targe or buckle of the XIVth-XVth c. Small, light and easy to use.
Delivery weight: 1 kg
TARGE OR BUCKLER OF MIDDLE AGE- MEDIUM MODELProduct no.: METARM02Combat targe or buckler of the XIV-XVth c. Medium size.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
TARGE OR BUCKLER - BIG SIZEProduct no.: METARM03Targe or buckler of the XIVth-XVth c. Big size.
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg