Leather is an inexpensive material that has been used routinely for centuries, especially to make clothing accessories. In this page, you will find shoes identical to those made in antiquity (calcei, caligae, ...) and in the Middle Ages but also belts such as the famous cingulum. We can also produce, exceptionally, all leather objects, on demand.
SIMPLE ROMAN CALIGAE IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUCALI01aReproduction of the famous caligae of roman legionaries, in leather. Below, the nails are flat to improve walking comfort. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
New SIMPLE ROMAN CALIGAE IN IMITATION LEATHERProduct no.: CUCALI01bReproduction of the famous caligae of roman legionaries, in imitation leather. Below, the nails are flat to improve walking comfort. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
ROMAN CALIGAE - MAINZ TYPEProduct no.: CUCALI02Reproduction of the famous roman leather caligae with, for this model, spiked nails on the sole.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
ROMAN CALIGAE CASTLEFORD TYPEProduct no.: CUCALI03Reproduction of the famous roman shoes type caligae with, on the sole, spiked nails. Good quality product.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
LUXURY ROMAN LEATHER CALIGAEProduct no.: CUCALI04Reproduction of the famous roman caligae with spiked nails on the sole. Hight quality model.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
OPEN ROMAN CALIGAE IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUCALI05Reproduction of the famous greek or roman shoes, type caligae in leather. Beautiful quality. Be careful : The delivery time can vary from 3 to 45 days according to the sizes available in stock.
Delivery weight: 950 g
CLOSED ROMAN CALIGAE - DARK COLORProduct no.: CUCALI06aReproduction of the famous roman shoes type closed caligae in leather, with light brown color.
Delivery weight: 900 g
CLOSED ROMAN CALIGAE - LIGHT COLORProduct no.: CUCALI06bReproduction of roman shoes type closed caligae in leather. There are not nails on the sole.
Delivery weight: 800 g
CLOSED ROMAN CALIGAE - BEIGE COLORProduct no.: CUCALI07Reproduction of the famous roman shoes, type caligae in beige leather. This model is closed.
Delivery weight: 900 kg
ROMAN CALCEI VINDOLANDA TYPE (MK I)Product no.: CUCALC01Reproduction in leather of the calcei discovered on the archeological site of Vindolanda, in England. Be careful : The delivery time can vary from 3 to 45 days according to the available in stock sizes.
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
ROMAN CALCEI VINDOLANDA TYPE (MK 2)Product no.: CUCALC02Reproduction in leather of the roman calcei discovered on the archeologicial site of Vindolanda, England.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
LIGHT COLOR ROMAN CALCEIProduct no.: CUCALC03Reproduction of calcei in light beige color leather. A part of the shoes, on the top, is ventilated
Delivery weight: 1.3 kg
BROWN ROMAN CALCEI (MK I)Product no.: CUCALC04Reproduction, in leather, of the famous roman calcei, without nails, This model is in dark brown color.
Delivery weight: 1 kg
BROWN ROMAN CALCEI (MK 2)Product no.: CUCALC07Reproduction, in leather, of roman calcei in dark brown leather. For this model, the laces are on the inner side and not on the top.
Delivery weight: 950 g
ROMAN LEATHER AUXILIARY CALCEIProduct no.: CUCALC06Reproduction of calcei in light bronwn leather. This model was more used by roman auxiliaries. Be careful : The delivery time can vary from 3 to 45 days according to the sizes available in stock.
Delivery weight: 1 kg
ROMAN SANDALS SHOES FOR WOMEN - BROWN (MK III)Product no.: CUSAN01aReproduction, in leather, of nice roman sandals shoes for women. This model has a light brown color.
Delivery weight: 900 g
ROMAN SANDALS SHOES FOR WOMEN - BEIGE (MK III)Product no.: CUSAN01bReproduction of roman sandals shoes for women. This model, very aesthetic, is light beige.
Delivery weight: 700 g
ROMAN SANDALS SHOES FOR WOMEN (MK I)Product no.: CUSAN02Reproduction of roman sandals shoes for women. This model, more airy, is light beige.
Delivery weight: 800 g
ROMAN SANDALS SHOES FOR WOMEN (MK II)Product no.: CUSAN03Reproduction, in leather, of roman sandals shoes for women. High quality and very aesthetic model in beige color.
Delivery weight: 800 g
CARBATINAE SHOES IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUSAN05Reproduction of the famous carbatinae in leather. This pattern can also be used for the antique and the medieval period.
Delivery weight: 700 g
MEDIEVAL SANDALS SHOES IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUSAN04Reproduction of the famous leather medieval shoes, viking or others. A model much used during all the period.
Delivery weight: 700 g
PEAKED MEDIEVAL SHOE - XIIIe-XVth c.Product no.: CUPOU01Medieval women shoes made after patterns dated from the XIIIth, XIVth and XVth c. Black color leather.
Delivery weight: 700 g
MEDIEVAL LEATHER BOOTS (MK 2)Product no.: CUBOT02Medieval boots in natural leather. This model covers the ankle a little more than the other.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
MEDIEVAL LEATHER BOOTS (MK I)Product no.: CUBOT01Medieval boots in natural leather. Nice model widely used throughout the late Middle Ages.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
HIGH MEDIEVAL LEATHER BOOTSProduct no.: CUBOT03High medieval boots in leather in beige color. They close on the outside with 5 historic belt buckles. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
GLADIATOR SIMPLE BELT IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUGLR05Gladiator's leather belt adjustable with 3 iron buckles. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
GLADIATOR AMELIORATED BELT IN LEATHER Mod IProduct no.: CUGLR06aGladiator's leather belt with Medusa head, adjustable with 3 iron buckles. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
GLADIATOR AMELIORATED BELT IN LEATHER Mod IProduct no.: CUGLR06bReproduction, in leather, of a Gladiator belt, decorated with a lion head and adjustable with 3 iron buckles. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
LUXURY ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUMProduct no.: CUCER06Roman legionary military belt (cingulum) in leather.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
ROMAN CENTURION BELTProduct no.: CUCER08Reproduction, in brass and leather, of a Roman officer belt, for centurion or others. Irst c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 1.4 kg
LATEROMAN ANTIQUITY BELTProduct no.: CUCER09Reproduction of a late antiquity belt. IVth-Vth c.
Delivery weight: 1 kg
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM IN BROWN LEATHERProduct no.: CUCER04Military belt (cingulum) of Roman legionary in brown leather.
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM IN BLACK LEATHERProduct no.: CUCER01Roman legionary military belt (cingulum) in black leather. there are many brass pieces for its decoration.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUMProduct no.: CUCER05Roman legionary military belt (cingulum) in brown leather.
Delivery weight: 600 g
ROMAN BELTProduct no.: CUCER07Roman belt in light brown leather without apron. Irst-IInd c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 900 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM PLATE (4 HOLES)Product no.: MEACR16aRoman legionary cingulum plate in embossed brass. Model with four holes. Datation : Roman period.
Delivery weight: 20 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM PLATE (6 HOLES)Product no.: MEACR16bRoman legionary cingulum plate in embossed brass. This model is made with six holes. Datation Ist-2nd c. AD. can be shipped within 5 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM PLATE (4 HOLES) VINDONISSA MODELProduct no.: MEACR27Reproduction, in bronze, of a Roman legionary cingulum plate. Model with four holes type Vindonissa. Datation Ist and IInd c AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 60 g
CARRYING PUGIO PARTS OF ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUMProduct no.: MEACR18Carrying pugio - cingulum parts in brass with catching hooks. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g
ROMAN CINGULUM APRON BUTTONProduct no.: MEACR17Part of cingulum - Decorated brass button or nail of apron for cingulum. Gallo roman périod.
Delivery weight: 20 g
CINGULUM OR BANNER ROMAN PENDANTProduct no.: MEACR14Pendant for roman cingulum of roman legionary or for roman vexillum. Brass object made in three parts. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
CINGULUM OR BANNER ROMAN PENDANT VINDONISSAProduct no.: MEACR26Reproduction, in bronze, of a pendant for roman cingulum of roman legionary. Originary from Vindonissa. Datation 1st - 2nd c. A.D. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 25 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM BUCKLEProduct no.: MEACR15Large and beautiful roman legionary cingulum buckle in brass. Datation : First-second c. of AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g
MEDIEVAL BELT DOUBLE BUCKLEProduct no.: MEACM06Reproduction, in brass, of a medieval style belt double buckle, bronze color. Datation : 14th-15th c. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
MEDIEVAL BELT BUCKLE (MK III GOLD)Product no.: MEACM03aReproduction of a great medieval or modern style belt buckle, in brass.
Delivery weight: 50 g
MEDIEVAL BELT BUCKLE (MK III SILVER)Product no.: MEACM03bLarge and simple medieval belt buckle, silver color. Can be used for many purposes: belts, shoes, ... can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
MEDIEVAL BELT BUCKLE (MK IV)Product no.: MEACM04Large and simple medieval belt buckle, silver color. Can be used for many purposes: belts, shoes ... can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
MEDIEVAL BELT BUCKLE (MK V)Product no.: MEACM05Reproduction of a simple medieval belt buckle, in brass. Can be used for many purposes: belts, shoes, ... can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 50 g
LITTLE ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM BUCKLE - KALKRIESE MODELProduct no.: MEACR21Reproduction, in bronze, of a little Roman legionary cingulum buckle. Datation : First c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 150 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUM BUCKLE - END OF EMPIREProduct no.: MEACR22Reproduction, in bronze, of a little and beautiful Roman legionary cingulum buckle. Datation : End of Roman Empire.
Delivery weight: 150 g
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