Our company, Via Temporis, has a small team of gladiators for its historical events intended for the public. Therefore, we are required to equip our gladiators and provide, in addition, equipment (helmets, belts, shield, gladius ...) to other reenactors.
GLADIATOR THRAEX BRASS HELMETProduct no.: CGL015Reproduction of a Gladiator Thraex brass helmet richly decorated. The upper part presents a griffin's head - Irst c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GLADIATOR THRAEX HELMET WITH BRONZE PATINAProduct no.: CGL014Reproduction of a Gladiator thraex iron helmet with bronze patina. The upper part presents a griffin's head - Irst c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 4.2 kg
GLADIATOR PROVOCATOR HELMET (TH. 2MM)Product no.: CGL002aReproduction, in iron, of a gladiator provocator helmet (thickness 2 mm). This helmet is dated from Irst c AD. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 6 kg
IRON GLADIATOR PROVOCATOR HELMET WITH BRONZE PATINA (TH. 1,6 MM)Product no.: CGL009Reproduction, in iron, of a gladiator provocator helmet (thickness 1,6 mm). This helmet is dated from Irst c AD.
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GLADIATOR MIRMILLON IRON HELMET MOD.1Product no.: CGL016Reproduction, in iron, of a gladiator mirmillon helmet. It has, on the front, a face with many holes.
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GLADIATOR MIRMILLON IRON HELMET MOD.2Product no.: CGL017Reproduction, in iron, of a gladiator mirmillon helmet. It has, on the front, a face with two "eyecups". Irst c. AD
Delivery weight: 5 kg
GLADIATOR MIRMILLON IRON HELMET MOD.3Product no.: CGL010Reproduction, in iron, of a gladiator mirmillon helmet. It has, on the front, a face with two "eyecups". Irst c. AD
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GLADIATOR MIRMILLON IRON HELMET MOD. 4Product no.: CGL008Gladiator mirmillon iron helmet. This helmet is a reproduction from an original dated from the IInd century AD.
Delivery weight: 4.5 kg
GLADIATOR MIRMILLION BRONZE HELMETProduct no.: CGL007Gladiator mirmillon 100 % bronze helmet. Our helmet is a reproduction from an original dated from the IInd century AD.
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
GLADIATOR SECUTOR BRASS HELMETProduct no.: CGL004Secutor brass helmet, 1,50 mm thickness. Dated from our era's first century.
Delivery weight: 2.2 kg
GLADIATOR SECUTOR IRON HELMETProduct no.: CGL005Reproduction, in iron, of a gladiator Secutor helmet, 1,60 mm thickness. Datation : first century of us era. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
GLADIATOR PROVOCATOR BRASS HELMETProduct no.: CGL001This reproduction is dated from the second half of the first century of our era. 100 % brass helmet, 2,50-3,00 mm thickness
Delivery weight: 4 kg
GLADIATOR PROVOCATOR HELMET FOR CHILDRENProduct no.: CGLRENF01Rare reproduction of a provocator helmet, for children. This reproduction is inspired from an original found in Pompei.
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
MAXIMUS HELMET - GLADIATOR MOVIEProduct no.: CGL011Gladiator helmet, un-archeological, replica of Maximus's helmet from the movie "Gladiator".
Delivery weight: 2 kg
MINI MAXIMUS HELMET - GLADIATOR MOVIEProduct no.: MINICROM05Reproduction of Maximus's helmet in the movie "Gladiator". This helmet has antique inspiration but is not historical.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 600 g
MINI MIRMILLON GLADIATOR HELMETProduct no.: MINICROM06Miniature reproduction of a Mirmillon gladiator helmet. Product delivered with a wooden stand.
can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
LEATHER MANICA WITH BRASS GALERUSProduct no.: CUGLR08Brass galerus attached to a leather manica for the retiarius gladiator.
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
GLADIATOR MANICA IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUGLR01Gladiator manica in leather.
Delivery weight: 2.3 kg
GLADIATOR GAUNTLET IN LEATHER - LEFT HANDProduct no.: CUGLR02aGladiator protective gauntlet in leather. It can also be used for the protection of the left hand of the reenactors in general. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
RETIAIRE GLADIATOR GAUNTLET IN LEATHER - RIGHT HANDProduct no.: CUGLR02bGladiator protective gauntlet in leather- right hand (for Mirmlillo, Thrace, Provocator...). can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
GLADIATOR LEATHER GAUNTLETProduct no.: CUGLR03Leather gauntlet used to protect the left hand of the gladiator or the legionary, wich handles the shield. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
LOT OF TWO GLADIATOR LEATHER GAUNTLETSProduct no.: CUGLR04Pair of leather gauntlets (right and left hand) can be shipped within 8 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
GLADIATOR SIMPLE BELT IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUGLR05Gladiator's leather belt adjustable with 3 iron buckles. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
GLADIATOR AMELIORATED BELT IN LEATHER Mod IProduct no.: CUGLR06aGladiator's leather belt with Medusa head, adjustable with 3 iron buckles. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
GLADIATOR AMELIORATED BELT IN LEATHER Mod IProduct no.: CUGLR06bReproduction, in leather, of a Gladiator belt, decorated with a lion head and adjustable with 3 iron buckles. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
PAIR OF LEATHER ARMLET (MK I)Product no.: CUBRR01Pair of leather armlet for gladiator or roman legionary. This object help to protect the forearms.
Delivery weight: 300 g
TRAINING GLADIUS IN EXOTIC WOODProduct no.: BOGL02Gladius in exotic wood ideal for combat training of roman legionaries or gladiators. Good price !
Delivery weight: 400 g
TRAINING SICA IN EXOTIC WOODProduct no.: BOGL03Sica in exotic wood, perfect for training of gladiators. Strong item, craft made. Good price !
Delivery weight: 500 g
TRAINING GLADIUS AND SICA IN EXOTIC WOODProduct no.: BOGL01Set composed of a gladius and a sica in exotic wood for reenactors. Good price !
Delivery weight: 700 g
ROMAN GLADIATOR SICAProduct no.: GLGLR02Roman gladiator sica. Iron blade and wooden hilt.
Delivery weight: 700 g
ROMAN GLADIATOR GLADIUSProduct no.: GLGLR03Roman gladiator gladius.
Delivery weight: 900 g
ROMAN GLADIATOR GLADIUSProduct no.: GLGLR01Roman gladiator gladius. Iron blade, 100 % bone hilt.
Delivery weight: 600 g
RETIARIUS GLADIATOR TRIDENTProduct no.: METRR01Reproduction or an iron gladiator trident. Item used with a net by the retiarius gladiator.
Delivery weight: 800 g
TRAINING WOODEN GLADIUSProduct no.: BOGL04Great and beautiful wooden training gladius for ancient period reenactors - Lenght : 73 cm. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
SMALL WOODEN GLADIUS FOR CHILDREN - MODEL 3Product no.: BOGLENF03Small wooden gladius for children. It can serve too for the fighting training of roman gladiators and legionaries.
Delivery weight: 250 g
SMALL WOODEN GLADIUS FOR CHILDREN - MODEL 1Product no.: BOGLENF01Small wooden gladius for children. It can serve too for the fighting training of roman gladiators and legionaries.
Delivery weight: 400 g
SMALL WOODEN GLADIUS FOR CHILDREN - MODEL 2Product no.: BOGLENF02Small wooden gladius for children. It can serve too, for the fighting training of roman gladiators and legionaries.
Delivery weight: 400 g
SMALL WOODEN AXE FOR CHILDRENProduct no.: BOHAENF01Small wooden axe for children. It can serve too, for the fighting training of roman or medieval reenactors. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 400 g
LOT OF SMALL WOODEN GLADIUS AND AXE FOR CHILDRENProduct no.: BOGHENF01Lot of small wooden gladius and axe for children. They can serve too, for the fighting training of roman gladiators and legionaries.
Delivery weight: 600 g
LEGGINGS OF THRACIAN GLADIATOR IN BRASSProduct no.: MEGLR03Leggings of thracian gladiator in brass.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
New PAIR OF ROMAN IRON LEGGINGSProduct no.: MEJAR01Pair of iron roman leggings.
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
PAIR OF ROMAN LEGGINGS IN BRASSProduct no.: MEJAR02Pair of roman leggings in brass.
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
THRACIAN GLADIATOR LEATHER LEGGINGSProduct no.: CUGLR09Reproduction, in brown leather, of a pair of Thracian gladiator leggings. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
GLADIATOR RETIARIUS GALERUSProduct no.: MEGLR01Gladiator retiarius galerus in brass.
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
THRACIAN GLADIATOR SHIELDProduct no.: BOGLR03Thracian gladiator shield in wood, paintable.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
MIRMILLON GLADIATOR SHIELDProduct no.: BOGLR01Mirmillon gladiator wooden shield, paintable.
Delivery weight: 5 kg
SECUTOR GLADIATOR SHIELDProduct no.: BOGLR02Secutor gladiator shield in wood, paintable.
Delivery weight: 4 kg
THRACIAN GLADIATOR ROUND SHIELDProduct no.: BOGLR05Round shield of thracian gladiator in wood. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg
ROUND HOPLOMAQUE GLADIATOR SHIELDProduct no.: BOGLR04Reproduction of a round shield of hoplomaque gladiator in wood. It has an umbo in his center.
Delivery weight: 2 kg
GALLO-ROMAN CERAMIC - TERRA SIGILLATA BOWL FROM SOUTHERN GAUL - DRAG. 37 GLADIATORSProduct no.: POBOL15Reproduction of a small bowl in terra sigillata, decorated type Drag. 37 - Datation : 1rst-2nd c. AD.
Delivery weight: 900 g
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