GLADIATOR MANICA IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUGLR01Gladiator manica in leather.
Delivery weight: 2.3 kg
LEATHER MANICA WITH BRASS GALERUSProduct no.: CUGLR08Brass galerus attached to a leather manica for the retiarius gladiator.
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg
RETIAIRE GLADIATOR GAUNTLET IN LEATHER - RIGHT HANDProduct no.: CUGLR02bGladiator protective gauntlet in leather- right hand (for Mirmlillo, Thrace, Provocator...). can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
GLADIATOR GAUNTLET IN LEATHER - LEFT HANDProduct no.: CUGLR02aGladiator protective gauntlet in leather. It can also be used for the protection of the left hand of the reenactors in general. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
PAIR OF LEATHER ARMLET (MK I)Product no.: CUBRR01Pair of leather armlet for gladiator or roman legionary. This object help to protect the forearms.
Delivery weight: 300 g
GLADIATOR LEATHER GAUNTLETProduct no.: CUGLR03Leather gauntlet used to protect the left hand of the gladiator or the legionary, wich handles the shield. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
LOT OF TWO GLADIATOR LEATHER GAUNTLETSProduct no.: CUGLR04Pair of leather gauntlets (right and left hand) can be shipped within 8 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
ANTIQUE SLING WITH BRAIDED LEATHER THREADSProduct no.: ARFRO01Reproduction of an antique sling designed to send projectiles (stones, bullets...). can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 250 g
GLADIATOR SIMPLE BELT IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUGLR05Gladiator's leather belt adjustable with 3 iron buckles. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
GLADIATOR AMELIORATED BELT IN LEATHER Mod IProduct no.: CUGLR06aGladiator's leather belt with Medusa head, adjustable with 3 iron buckles. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
GLADIATOR AMELIORATED BELT IN LEATHER Mod IProduct no.: CUGLR06bReproduction, in leather, of a Gladiator belt, decorated with a lion head and adjustable with 3 iron buckles. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 700 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY BAG IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUSAC02Beautiful and big leather Roman legionary bag. This model can be used for all the period of the history. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
ROMAN LEGIONARY SADDLEBAG IN THICK LEATHERProduct no.: CUSAC03Small saddlebag, in thick leather, of roman legionary. can be shipped within 30 days
Delivery weight: 1.5 g
ROMAN LEGIONARY SADDLEBAG IN BROWN LEATHERProduct no.: CUSAC04Small saddlebag in leather for a roman legionary. It allows the reenactors to insert objects such as keys or telephone.
Delivery weight: 500 g
BIG BELT BAGProduct no.: CUSAC06Big leather belt bag can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
BIG BELT BAG IN FAUX LEATHERProduct no.: CUSAC08Big saddlebag in faux leather for a reenactor. It allows the reenactors to insert objects such as keys or telephone.
Delivery weight: 500 g
LITTLE BELT BAGProduct no.: CUSAC05Reproduction of a leather belt bag for reenactors. It allows the reenactors to insert objects such as keys or telephone.
Delivery weight: 250 g
MEDIEVAL LEATHER PURSEProduct no.: CUBOUR02Reproduction of a nice medieval style leather purse. delivered with a lace and a wooden bead. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 200 g
BIG SIMPLE LEATHER PURSE WITH LACEProduct no.: CUBOUR03Reproduction, for all the period, of a leather purse in black color, closed with a black lace and a metallic button. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 250 g
SMALL SIMPLE LEATHER PURSE WITH LACEProduct no.: CUBOUR01Reproduction, for all the period, of a leather purse in different colors to choose, closed with a lace. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g
LEATHER PURSE WITH FIVE ROMAN COINS - REPRODUCTIONSProduct no.: MODIV004Leather purse with, inside, cinq reproductions of Roman coins : one aureus, one sesterce and three deniarus. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 300 g
BIG PURSE IN LEATHER TO PRESENT ON A BELTProduct no.: CUSAC09aLeather purse closed by a horn button and sewn with leather threads, ideal to present on a belt.
Delivery weight: 300 g
BIG PURSE IN LEATHER TO PRESENT ON A BELTProduct no.: CUSAC09bLeather purse, with brown and beige colors, closed by a horn button, ideal to present on a belt.
Delivery weight: 300 g
BIG PURSE IN LEATHER TO PRESENT ON A BELTProduct no.: CUSAC10Large and beautiful leather purse with red color, closed by a horn button, ideal to present on a belt.
Delivery weight: 300 g
LITTLE PURSE IN LEATHER TO PRESENT ON A BELTProduct no.: CUSAC11Small leather purse closed by a horn button, ideal to present on a belt. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 150 g
LEATHER SWORD HOLDER FOR CHILDRENProduct no.: CUPOE01Leather sword holder to hold a sword or a wooden sword for children. Different colors to select. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 100 g
LEATHER PILUM TIP PROTECTIONProduct no.: CUPRP01Protection, in leather, intended to secure the point of a pilum or a lance. A leather lace reinforces its support.
Delivery weight: 50 g
THRACIAN GLADIATOR LEATHER LEGGINGSProduct no.: CUGLR09Reproduction, in brown leather, of a pair of Thracian gladiator leggings. can be shipped within 15 days
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
LEATHER QUIVER WITH SWORD DECORATIONProduct no.: CUCARR01Reproduction, in brown leather, of a Roman archer quiver decorated with a sword and a laurel wreath. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
LEATHER QUIVER WITH WOLF DECORATIONProduct no.: CUCARR02Reproduction, in brown leather, of a Roman archer quiver decorated with a wolf, Remus and Romulus can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
LEATHER QUIVER WITH DECORATION OF EAGLE HEADProduct no.: CUCARM01Reproduction, in brown leather, of a archer quiver decorated with a eagle head. Multi era. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
LEATHER QUIVER WITH DECORATION OF UNICORNProduct no.: CUCARM02Reproduction, in brown leather, of a archer quiver decorated with an unicorn. Multi era. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
LEATHER QUIVER WITH GEOMETRIC DECORProduct no.: CUCARM03Reproduction, in brown leather, of a archer quiver decorated with a geometric decor. Multi era.
Delivery weight: 1 kg
ROMAN CALCEI VINDOLANDA TYPE (MK I)Product no.: CUCALC01Reproduction in leather of the calcei discovered on the archeological site of Vindolanda, in England. Be careful : The delivery time can vary from 3 to 45 days according to the available in stock sizes.
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
ROMAN CALCEI VINDOLANDA TYPE (MK 2)Product no.: CUCALC02Reproduction in leather of the roman calcei discovered on the archeologicial site of Vindolanda, England.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
ROMAN LEATHER AUXILIARY CALCEIProduct no.: CUCALC06Reproduction of calcei in light bronwn leather. This model was more used by roman auxiliaries. Be careful : The delivery time can vary from 3 to 45 days according to the sizes available in stock.
Delivery weight: 1 kg
BROWN ROMAN CALCEI (MK I)Product no.: CUCALC04Reproduction, in leather, of the famous roman calcei, without nails, This model is in dark brown color.
Delivery weight: 1 kg
LIGHT COLOR ROMAN CALCEIProduct no.: CUCALC03Reproduction of calcei in light beige color leather. A part of the shoes, on the top, is ventilated
Delivery weight: 1.3 kg
BROWN ROMAN CALCEI (MK 2)Product no.: CUCALC07Reproduction, in leather, of roman calcei in dark brown leather. For this model, the laces are on the inner side and not on the top.
Delivery weight: 950 g
LUXURY ROMAN LEGIONARY CINGULUMProduct no.: CUCER06Roman legionary military belt (cingulum) in leather.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
SIMPLE ROMAN CALIGAE IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUCALI01aReproduction of the famous caligae of roman legionaries, in leather. Below, the nails are flat to improve walking comfort. can be shipped within 3 days
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
ROMAN CALIGAE - MAINZ TYPEProduct no.: CUCALI02Reproduction of the famous roman leather caligae with, for this model, spiked nails on the sole.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
ROMAN CALIGAE CASTLEFORD TYPEProduct no.: CUCALI03Reproduction of the famous roman shoes type caligae with, on the sole, spiked nails. Good quality product.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
LUXURY ROMAN LEATHER CALIGAEProduct no.: CUCALI04Reproduction of the famous roman caligae with spiked nails on the sole. Hight quality model.
Delivery weight: 1.2 kg
OPEN ROMAN CALIGAE IN LEATHERProduct no.: CUCALI05Reproduction of the famous greek or roman shoes, type caligae in leather. Beautiful quality. Be careful : The delivery time can vary from 3 to 45 days according to the sizes available in stock.
Delivery weight: 950 g
CLOSED ROMAN CALIGAE - DARK COLORProduct no.: CUCALI06aReproduction of the famous roman shoes type closed caligae in leather, with light brown color.
Delivery weight: 900 g
CLOSED ROMAN CALIGAE - BEIGE COLORProduct no.: CUCALI07Reproduction of the famous roman shoes, type caligae in beige leather. This model is closed.
Delivery weight: 900 kg
CLOSED ROMAN CALIGAE - LIGHT COLORProduct no.: CUCALI06bReproduction of roman shoes type closed caligae in leather. There are not nails on the sole.
Delivery weight: 800 g
ROMAN SANDALS SHOES FOR WOMEN (MK I)Product no.: CUSAN02Reproduction of roman sandals shoes for women. This model, more airy, is light beige.
Delivery weight: 800 g
ROMAN CENTURION BELTProduct no.: CUCER08Reproduction, in brass and leather, of a Roman officer belt, for centurion or others. Irst c. A.D.
Delivery weight: 1.4 kg
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